Jackie Harvey (GCSS, DLPA)(Ngati Porou Ngai Tuhoe)
Jackie has a Graduate Certificate in Social Science (Community Services) from University of Western Sydney, Graduate Fellow from the School of Social Entrepreneurs, Diploma Literary Performing Arts (Maori Composition) at Te Waananga O Raukawa.
She is a Romiromi (Traditional Maori Healing) Practitioner and exponent of Maori Mahi Toi (Arts + Crafts).
Jackie has spent her life learning in various Whare Waananga Schools of Learning;
Te Whare Karioi The Travelling Dance Groups, Te Whare Tapere Literary Performing Arts, Maumaia Maori Womens Sacred Arts, Te Whare Tu Taua Maori School of Weaponry and Te Waananga O Raukawa in Otaki New Zealand.
She has spent many years applying traditional Maori practices through the Arts and Community Services in New Zealand and Australia. She consults and teaches on Traditional Maori Arts and Crafts.
She has found a natural progression for ongoing study in the Whare Waananga of Traditional Maori Philosophies and bodywork because of her early years as a Dancer and Poet; the poetic language style of her Tupuna Ancestors and inspired by having met the Tohunga Papa Hohepa De La Mere. She uses her experiential working knowledge of the body to support transformation in transition through Romiromi.
Having met world renowned Tohunga Papa Joe, he told Jackie that she was a Healer and he showed her the seed of her Waananga lifes' work as a physical vision in the palm of her hand. Whilst Jackie took responsibility for the call of healing on her life, it wasn't until 2011 that she returned to Romiromi.
Jackie first experience of Romiromi was training in Mau Rakau as a young woman during a Waananga in Whangarei with Manu Korewha…and his words still resonate and give her peace and inspiration today.
MIHI Acknowledgements
Wairua Spirit thank you for the training,
I’m truly grateful to feel the fulfilment of an ancient pathway.
“Ka pinea ki te manawa
Concentrate by working from the heart.”
Papa Joe De La Mere
Papa Joe thank you for affirming me, as a young Māori Woman to walk my predestined pathway.
I’m inspired by the stories of my Ancestors because that’s where we feel humbled by their mana dignity and mauri beauty.
Te Aowera Hapu sub-tribe
I’ll often reflect on whether or not my mahi and training aligns with the tikanga ways and kawa protocols of my people and that has helped me in the Whare Waananga to hold onto what’s true, our cultural values and share with others who want to be useful by doing the work too.
Mum & Dad
for reminding me to always keep my eyes on God.